Welcome To Perry Hiiman’s Blog
Renovating in the New York City Metro area can be more of a hassle than anywhere else – don’t worry, NYKB (New York Kitchen and Bath) is here to help you along the way. With close to 20 years of renovation experience in NYC, we have streamlined the renovation process, making it a smoother experience.
The NYKB Blog will educate you on our process, as well as show you the latest trends in home renovation in NYC. If you have any blog questions or requests, we want to hear from you!

Custom Built-in Bunk Beds Trending in Kids’ Rooms
What kid doesn’t love a treehouse? Well, turns out treehouses are hard to come by in Manhattan, so the next best thing for your NYC kid would be a cozy built-in bunk bed or a cool custom bedroom nook – it will be all the rage for the next sleepover party! If you are...

4 Things to Remember When Combining Tiles in Your Next Bathroom Remodel
Picking out tiles for your bathroom remodeling project can be overwhelming. The variety of designs, colors, and textures can be vast. Explore our Prospect Park bathroom remodel, where marble-look tiles created a sophisticated and luxurious atmosphere. Today, aesthetic...

Dog safety tips when remodeling your Manhattan apartment
We are big dog lovers here at NYKB and keeping your pet safe during your home remodel is very important to us. Here are a few things to consider when planning your next NYC home renovation. Your Dog's Routine As you may already know dogs are creatures of habit, they...

4 Ways to Hide your Kitchen Outlets
Why the Need for Hidden Kitchen Outlets? From smartphones to tablets, laptops to speakers, nowadays most devices need charging. Local building codes often state that there must be an electrical outlet every 4 feet in one’s kitchen. And while every outlet is...

Magnify Minimal Space With Small Bathroom Layout Ideas
A bathroom doesn’t have to be large to have great style and function. Experts in NYC renovations, NYKBknows how to maximize little spaces. Follow our small bathroom layout ideas and turn your mini bathroom into a beautiful space that meets all of your needs. Learn how...

NYKB collaborating with Phillip Salem leading NYC agent Triplemint
We are excited to announce that NYKB will be collaborating with Phillip Salem, leading NYC agent with Triplemint. Triplemint was founded in 2013, with their one goal "to empower people everywhere with a smarter, more personalized real estate experience.” Headquartered...

Perry Hiiman was born and raised in Tel Aviv, Israel. He planted his roots in Manhatten, New York in 1992. A few years later, Perry met his wife and had three lovely daughters. Perry has always been excited about home improvement and design. He has been in the service industry for over 25 years. Perry and his partner founded New York Kitchen and Bath in 2001. They pioneered the One Stop Shop concept of home improvement and design firms. In addition, Perry is a New York State licensed contractor, OSHA certified, and a New York State licensed mold assessor. He specializes in custom design and is genuinely passionate about what he does—bringing people’s dream projects to life.