Hard Work Pays Off!
We believe in the work we do is great or we wouldn’t stand behind it with a 5 year warranty! But it always makes us feel good when we get feedback from customers. And when Yelp – the number one User Reviews and Recommendation Site send is this – well that’s making us feel super great!
This just came through our door! No payment, no request, nothing! We have simply been giving a super service that has customers giving us these great reviews that makes us deserve it.
What was your experience like?
Send us your thoughts and feedback.. and of course if you havent had the chance to leave a review but want to – you can always add!
Want to find our what people are raving about? I look forward to personally meeting you in our home design showroom, located in the heart of the Flatiron District on Broadway and 25th street. For more information, visit us at 8 West 25TH Street or gives us a call and we would be happy to visit your space (212)242-3500.